Working with tables in Pico Lisp

Let’s examine a common example, a list of people forming a table without key access to each person could look like this:

(setq *People 
      '(((name . John) (phone . 123456) (age . 56))
        ((name . Fred) (phone . 654321) (age . 35))
        ((name . Fred) (phone . 236597) (age . 38))
        ((name . Hank) (phone . 078965) (age . 23))))

What you see is they way to specify pairs, each pair is a car and a cdr. If you recall the way assoc worked in the prior tutorial you realize that each sublist can be accessed with that function – since each key is a car. With that in mind a solution for retrieving a person by key and value could look like this:

(de assoc2d (Lst K V)
    (filter '((Sub)
              (let CurValue (cdr (assoc K Sub))
                (= V CurValue))) Lst ) )
(println (assoc2d *People 'name 'Fred))

The above example will retrieve a new list with all persons called Fred. The way this works is through filter which is a member of the same family as mapcar. Filter will return a new list with all items that the callback/literal function returned true for. As in the example in the prior tutorial Sub will be each element, in this case each person.

Next we initiate a temporary variable with (let CurValue (cdr (assoc K Sub) logic using CurValue here ), let is a cousin of setq but will create it’s own little space. Had we already had a variable called CurValue with some value in it in the above example – that variable would’ve gotten a new value inside the let expression. However after the let expression has finished executing, CurValue would revert back to it’s original value. It’s a convenient way of using a variable name temporarily without having to worry about wrecking something else.

Next we use the equal (=) function to test if our current value is equal to the passed value in V, since = will return T (Pico Lisp’s equivalent to true) if they are equal, or NIL (the equivalent of false) we are done. All sublists without the wanted key/value combination will return NIL and will therefore not get a place in the return array.

What if you want to create your own table system, maybe you think the above way of defining a table is too verbose, you want it to look like this instead:

(setq *People 
      '((name John phone 123456 age 56)
        (name Fred phone 654321 age 35)
        (name Fred phone 236597 age 38)
        (name Hank phone 078965 age 23)))

No problem, then you could define the lookup logic like this instead:

(de assoc1d (Lst Key) 
     (NIL Lst NIL)
     (T (= Key (pop 'Lst)) (pop 'Lst))
     (pop 'Lst)))

(de assoc2d (Lst K V)
    (filter '((Sub)
              (= V (assoc1d Sub K))) Lst ) )

(println (assoc2d *People 'name 'Fred))

Our custom assoc1d function is basically a replacement of assoc tailored to our custom table system. It will return the value of the passed key or NIL if the key can’t be found. You could try it out in isolation:

(println (assoc1d '(phone 123456 name John age 56) 'name))

The loop function will let us loop infinitely and have an arbitrary amount of conditional exits at the same time. We begin by checking if the list (Lst) is NIL (all elements have been popped off), if that is the case we return NIL. If not then we pop an element off and check if it matches the passed key, if yes then we return the next element (the value) by popping it off. If the key didn’t match we will continue down the loop conditionals and simply pop the value off without returning it. The equivalent would look something like this in PHP:

function assoc1d($lst, $key){
    if($key == array_shift($lst))
      return array_shift($lst);
  return false;

In this case the Lisp equivalent isn’t really any shorter. However, the alternative to loop would be the use of temporary variables and so on and that is a road we don’t want to start walking down.

The assoc2d function doesn’t present us with any surprises, we simply check each returned value from the assoc1d function with the passed value (V).

So what if we want to sort our table of persons? The solution is similar to sorting tables in PHP. We will extract the values (column) we want to sort by – with the help of the key:

(de getCol (Lst K)
    (mapcar '((Sub)(assoc1d Sub K)) Lst ) )
(println (getCol *People 'phone))

Let’s put it all together:

(de getSorting (Sorted Original)
     (while Original
            (let Value (pop 'Original)
              (setq Sorted 
                     (link (index Value Sorted)) Sorted NIL ))))))

(de sort2d (L Key)  
     (let Col (getCol L Key)
       (mapcar '((Pos)(get L Pos)) (getSorting (sort (copy Col)) Col) )))

(println (sort2d *People 'name))

When contemplating problems in Lisp it helps to think in terms of how to generate intermediate lists that are needed to solve the problem. In this case we generate a list describing how to sort our table through the getSorting function. That list will be used in the Sort2d function to do the actual sorting.

In Sort2d we begin by fetching the column represented by the key, in this case we get a flat list of names as they appear in the table (a column). Note that we use copy before we sort the first argument to getSorting, the reason being that sort will also sort in place, therefore to get two distinct columns in getSorting we have to copy one of them, in this case the sorted version. Otherwise they would both be sorted and that would ruin everything.

Right at the beginning of getSorting we start with make which will initiate a make environment. Inside a make environment there are a few special functions that can be used, the most common one is link which we use here. In this case make will return a list created with all arguments to link. It doesn’t matter how or where the link is called, whenever and wherever it is called within the make environment will cause it to append another item to the list being made.

Here we will loop through the Original column with unsorted names and pop a name off each time until it’s empty. Each name is stored in Value followed by a call to setq to change the Sorted column but why? The reason is duplicate names, we need some way of marking already fetched names by setting them to NIL, otherwise the index function would return the same position for Fred. This would later result in us getting a copy of the first Fred in the sorted table instead of two unique Freds, that is really, really unwanted behavior.

This way of preventing duplicate Freds feels a little bit ugly. In Lisp there is not one way of doing something, in fact there are probably an infinite number of ways of doing something, one better than the other, only the imagination and cleverness of the programmer sets the limits. And unfortunately my limit was reached here, but somehow I realize that there probably is a better way…

Anyway, it’s the place function that is responsible for replacing names whose positions we have already linked with NIL, the above way of doing this is possible because link returns the value it links as well as linking it, thus it can be used with place at the same time. Check out both index, place, make and link in the reference.

The main point with getSorting is that we compare the sorted names with the unsorted names and return the position of the original name in the sorted column. These are then used in ‘((Pos)(get L Pos)) as each Pos with get. Get can be used in a variety of situations, in this case it’s simply used as an index lookup, in PHP it might have looked like $L[$Pos].

Don’t like the way the table got sorted? No problem, try calling Sort2d like this instead:

(println (flip (sort2d *People 'name)))

Yep, flip will reverse the list.

Maybe a bit late but: This is probably not the way you would be working with records in a “sharp” situation. Every person would then be a database object and sorted upon retrieval, don’t get mad though. The above was a good exercise in any case.

Note also the use of name, as you can see it seems like it’s a reserved word, still we are able to use it by quoting it.

I haven’t decided yet what the next part in the series will be about, I guess it will be a surprise 🙂

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