Registration form in Pico Lisp
Finally, the registration form! Not really for beginners but anyway…
If you are new to Pico Lisp you might want to check out the first article in the series and move “upwards”. Apart from that this tutorial builds upon two earlier articles. Regular expressions and templating.
I’ve changed the background color to black and the text to white just as a test to see if the CSS was loading properly. Let’s walk in order of execution, first out is main.l:
(load "lib/http.l" "lib/xhtml.l" "lib/form.l" "lib/ps.l" "lib/adm.l" "lib/misc.l" "lib/rgx.l" "lib/tpl.l")
(setq *BP "projects/tpl-test/")
(setq *Css (pack *BP "css/styles.css"))
(pack *BP "models/er.l")
(pack *BP "helpers/global-helpers.l"))
(de main ()
(pool (pack *BP "db/test.db")))
(de start ()
(setq Tpl (new '(+Tpl) *BP))
(assign> Tpl 'title "Registration Form")
(parse> Tpl 'index)
(compRun> Tpl)
(out> Tpl))
(de go ()
(server 8080 "@start"))
So apart from the libraries we load er.l and global-helpers.l, rgx.l and tpl.l are the two libraries whose explanations I link to above.
We load the database with pool initially because we start the server with: .p/ dbg.l projects/tpl-test/main.l -main -go.
And go is of course responsible for starting the server on port 8080 and running start.
The start function will first start the session with app, create the template object with our base path *BP and assign a title, parse the template, compile it, run it and finally print it to the browser.
Let’s take a look at the template:
<title> <% get title %> </title>
<base href="<% bPath %>"/>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="<% path cssDir %>styles.css" type="text/css" >
<% gui reg-form %>
There are some new things here since we went through the template class, but not much:
(dm path> (Var)
(pack (srcUrl) (get This Var)))
(dm bPath> ()
The result could look like this:
<base href="http://localhost:44148/"/>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="http://localhost:8080/projects/tpl-test/css/styles.css" type="text/css" >
So baseHRef outputs http://localhost:44148 and srcUrl http://localhost:8080/, great. The reason for the base tag is that the GUI framework needs it. The port number keeps track of each session and is unique for that session.
Before we start with the form itself let’s go through the er.l file and global-helpers.l, first er.l:
(extend +Entity)
(dm asSelect> ()
(collect (: lbl) This NIL T (: lbl)))
(class +Member +Entity)
(rel fname (+Need +Sn +Idx +String))
(rel lname (+Need +Sn +Idx +String))
(rel uname (+Need +Key +Sn +Idx +String)) #min 6 chars
(rel pwd (+Need +String)) #min 6 chars
(rel zip (+Need +Idx +String)) #min 5 chars, numerical
(rel city (+Link)(+City)) #lives in a city
(rel cellnr (+Need +Ref +String)) #min 7 digits for validation but we store min 11 digits (as is, no loc formatting)
(rel email (+Need +Key +Idx +String)) #has to validate as proper email address
(rel bdate (+Need +Ref +Date)) #birthdate
(class +CellPrefix +Entity)
(rel nr (+Ref +String)) #will be used in the registration to create a complete cell number
(var lbl . nr)
(class +City +Entity)
(rel nm (+Ref +String))
(var lbl . nm)
We’ve got a link to +City in the +Member. The asSelect> method is responsible for fetching a list to be used as a drop down. In the +CellPrefix case it is nr of course, and in the +City case it’s nm. Actually pretty redundant since they only have one relation but that could quickly change.
Global-helpers.l contains some extra validation logic and generators:
(class +Gh)
(dm range> (Start End Pad)
(for (N Start (>= End N) (inc N)) (link (pad Pad N)))))
(dm getMonths> ()
(range> This 1 12 2))
(dm getDays> ()
(range> This 1 31 2))
(dm getYears> (Min-age)
(let curYear (curYear> This)
(range> This (- curYear 100) (- curYear Min-age) 0 )))
(dm curYear> () (car (date (date))))
Trivial stuff to generate various drop downs. Note pad to get 01, 02 etc.
(class +EmailField +TextField)
(dm chk> ()
(match> '+Rgx (super) '((word > 0) "{at}" (dmn > 0) "." (ltr > 2 < 5)))
(class +AlNum +TextField)
(dm chk> ()
(ifn (alnum> '+Rgx (val> This)) ,"alnum-expected" (super)))
So we create a new +EmailField and +AlNum based on the basic +TextField. The main thing here is the chk> method that is called automatically by the GUI logic in order to check if a value is OK or not. The +Rgx stuff has already been covered. Note the comma (,) It’s a shortcut for the localization logic, it will lookup the keys for translations in translation files if they are provided, currently not though. Check out the the OO tutorial for more info on super above, and extra used below.
(class +MinLen)
(dm T (MinLen . @)
(=: minLen MinLen)
(pass extra))
(dm chk> ()
(>= (length (val> This)) (: minLen))
(pack ,"minlen-1" (: minLen) ,"minlen-2")
The minimum length logic, it does not inherit from something else but is setup to work with other classes in a horizontal fashion. Note the use of ,”minlen-1″ (: minLen) ,”minlen-2″. We need this to account for differing minimum lengths in the error message.
(class +PwdCheck)
(dm T (PwdGet . @)
(=: pwdGet PwdGet)
(pass extra))
(dm chk> ()
(ifn (= (eval (: pwdGet)) (val> This)) ,"password-mismatch" (extra)))
Also designed to be prefix class only. We simply check if the passwords match.
It’s time for the registration form which is a biggie, I’ve uploaded it here if you want to see the whole thing at once. It will be chopped up below in a from top to bottom fashion.
(let E (loc "*Err" err)
(set E (head 1 (val E))))
(form NIL
(unless *Post (=: obj (new! '(+Member))))
(<table> NIL NIL NIL
(<row> NIL ,"firstname" (gui '(+E/R +TextField) '(fname : home obj) 10))
(<row> NIL ,"lastname" (gui '(+E/R +TextField) '(lname : home obj) 10))
(<row> NIL ,"username" (gui '(+E/R +MinLen +AlNum) '(uname : home obj) 6 10))
Having everything be an argument to the action function is a requirement for the GUI to work.
The first thing we do is override the default behavior of displaying validation errors for all fields at once. We get the *Err list from the err function defined in form.l line 207. After that we extract and use the first error (if there are any).
The second thing we do is to build an empty +Member object which will be available through (: home obj). You might notice the use of new!, what happens if the user just navigates away you might think, there will be a lot of empty bullshit in the database won’t it? Sure, and they can be cleared out by running a cron job every day or continuously although it consumes more resources. Since we work with a new! object there will be no need for future commits, from now on everything that happens happens on disk, not memory.
We build the layout in a table where each call to <row> will create new rows and tds. Notice the calls to gui, apparently +E/R needs the ‘(fname : home obj) list and +TextField the 10 number (the size of the field). Our first custom prefix classes comes in the form of +MinLen and +AlNum which takes 6 and 10 respectively (remember that +AlNum is just a +TextField with extra validation attached to it).
(<row> NIL ,"password"
'(+E/R +PwdCheck +MinLen +PwField)
'(pwd : home obj)
'(val> (: home pwd2)) 6 10))
(<row> NIL ,"password again" (gui 'pwd2 '(+PwField) 10 ))
(<row> NIL ,"email" (gui '(+E/R +EmailField) '(email : home obj) 10))
(<row> NIL ,"zip" (gui '(+E/R +MinLen +NumField) '(zip : home obj) 6 10))
(<row> NIL ,"city" (gui '(+E/R +TextField) '(city : home obj) (asSelect> '+City)))
Note that the code has been indented to save horizontal space, in reality it’s just a continuation of the above code.
+PwdCheck will work with ‘(val> (: home pwd2)) as input, yes it’s the value of the “password again” field 🙂
The city +TextField will get the result of the (asSelect> ‘+City) call as it’s input, note the lack of a quote (‘). So we evaluate and get the list of cities which will turn the field into a drop down instead of a normal text field.
(<row> NIL ,"birthdate"
(gui '(+E/R +Fmt +Chart) '(bdate : home obj)
'((Dat) (list (date Dat)))
'((Lst) (and (caar Lst) (cadar Lst) (caddr (car Lst)) (date (car Lst))))
3 )
(gui 1 '(+TextField) (getYears> '+Gh 18))
(gui 2 '(+Map +TextField)
(for (I . M) *MonFmt
(link (cons M I))))
(gui 3 '(+TextField) (getDays> '+Gh))))
It’s starting to get tricky. Remember that we use +Date for the birth date so we need some way of getting it to prepopulate three consecutive drop downs, and be inserted by getting the data in all of them. Actually we are just updating the empty object we created at the top all the time but insert might be a more proper wording since we are replacing nothing with something.
The +Fmt is class will take care of getting and setting the date, the first function ‘((Dat)…) will set> and the second one ‘((Lst)…) will be our val> function.
The +Chart prefix is responsible for handling our 3 date drop downs and will therefore take 3 as its single argument. The constituent gui elements need to know where they are in this list, hence 1, 2 and 3 as the first argument. The second drop down will display the months of the year by working with the global *MonFmt which will contain the full names based on which location we have selected. Since we haven’t chosen a location they will default to their English names. Come to think of it this piece of code should have been put in global helpers since month drop downs are pretty common.
(<row> NIL ,"cellphone"
(gui '(+E/R +Chart) '(cellnr : home obj) 2
(let Len
(find '((P) (pre? P Str)) (asSelect> '+CellPrefix)))
(setq Str (chop Str))
(list (pack (cut Len 'Str)) (format (pack Str))))))
'((Lst) (pack (caar Lst) (cadar Lst))))
(gui 1 '(+TextField) (asSelect> '+CellPrefix))
(gui 2 '(+MinLen +NumField) 7 10 )))
(<row> NIL (gui '(+Button) ,"save" '(url "@start"))))))
Here we pass two extra set and get functions to the +Chart class directly instead. The first one is needed due to the fact that it will recieve for instance a string looking like 01766587436. It then needs to cut the string up to get a list looking like this: (0176 6587436), in order to repopulate on for instance validation failure. The problem is that some mobile phone prefix numbers can have five digits in Germany, ouch. That’s why we need to determine the length first, otherwise we could end up with the wrong numbers.
Finally the +Button will post the form back to the start function which in turn contains this function. The error logic at the top of the form could be used to confirm a successful post by displaying a new page or message. No error == success.