Pilog solve and the +Aux relation

I just set out to duplicate the Doctrine for dummies example, but this time for real, with a real OODB system, not some silly ORM 🙂 Thanks goes to Alex for helping me out with the queries.

(class +Member +Entity)
(rel uname  (+Need +Key +String))
(rel pwd    (+Need +String))
(rel email  (+String))
(rel city   (+Ref +Link) NIL (+City))

(class +City +Entity)
(rel name   (+Key +String))

(class +Message +Entity)
(rel subject (+Idx +String))
(rel body    (+String))
(rel from    (+Ref +Link) NIL (+Member))
(rel to      (+Aux +Ref +Link) (from) NIL (+Member))

(pool "dbtest.db")

So we create the relations, and the database file. Take special note of the +Aux relation from to to from. It will play a central role later.

(setq Mbrs 
     (list "member1" "password1" "member1@members.com" "Berlin")
     (list "member2" "password2" "member2@members.com" "Stuttgart")
     (list "member3" "password3" "member3@members.com" "Hamburg")))
(for Mbr Mbrs
  (request '(+Member) 
     'uname (get Mbr 1) 
     'pwd   (get Mbr 2) 
     'email (get Mbr 3) 
     'city  (request '(+City) 'name (get Mbr 4))))

We input some members in the database, note the use of request. The major thing is that it will create an object if there is none with the given key(s) already, however if there is an object with the given keys it will return that object, quite handy.

(setq Mbr1 (db 'uname '+Member "member1"))
(setq Mbr2 (db 'uname '+Member "member2"))

(new T '(+Message) 
  'subject "from mbr1 to mbr2"
  'body "Hello mbr2 this is mbr1"
  'to Mbr2
  'from Mbr1)
(new T '(+Message) 
  'subject "from mbr2 to mbr1"
  'body "Hello mbr1 this is mbr2"
  'to Mbr1
  'from Mbr2)
(new T '(+Message) 
  'subject "from mbr2 to mbr1, again"
  'body "Hello mbr1 this is mbr2, again"
  'to Mbr1
  'from Mbr2)
(new T '(+Message) 
  'subject "from mbr1 to mbr3"
  'body "Hello mbr3 this is mbr1"
  'to (db 'uname '+Member "member3")
  'from Mbr1)

Note the use of (new T … ) without the T we won’t get database objects.

(mapc show (collect 'to '+Message Mbr1 Mbr1 'from))
(mapc show (collect 'from '+Message Mbr1 Mbr1 'to))
(mapc show (collect 'from '+Message Mbr1 Mbr1))
(mapc show (collect 'to '+Message Mbr1 Mbr1))

Test that everything is there by calling the above statements, the first one will get all people who sent a message to member 1. The second one will instead get all people who member 1 sent messages to. The two last ones will do the same but will get messages, not people. And that was that, this is as complex as the PHP Doctrine example got, let’s move on to more complex stuff relating to the +Aux relation:

(scan (tree 'to '+Message))
(scan (tree 'from '+Message))


({5} {:} . {H}) {H}
({5} {:} . {I}) {I}
({:} {5} . {B}) {B}
({A} {5} . {L}) {L}

({5} . {B}) {B}
({5} . {L}) {L}
({:} . {H}) {H}
({:} . {I}) {I}
-> {F}

Notice the difference, the to relation is utilizing +Aux so we have extra references there between the message receiver and sender. Together the combination can be used as a key to speed up things.

(mapc show (collect 'to '+Message (list Mbr1 Mbr2)))

This is an example of how to use the +Aux relation to get all messages to member 1 from member 2 with collect.

(mapc show
     (quote @M1 Mbr1 @M2 Mbr2 @S "mbr2" 
        (select (@Msgs) 
           ((subject +Message @S) (to +Message @M1) (from +Message @M2))
           (same @M1 @Msgs to)
           (same @M2 @Msgs from)
           (tolr @S @Msgs subject)))  
     @Msgs ))

The above code will retrieves all messages from member 2 to member 1 that also contain the word “mbr2” in the subject. It is however not using the +Aux relation to make the lookup of who is sending a message to who, we scan in parallel here.

(mapc show 
         @M1 Mbr1
         @M2 Mbr2
         @M (list Mbr1 Mbr2)
         @S "mbr2"
         (select (@Msgs)
            ((subject +Message @S) (to +Message @M))
            (tolr @S @Msgs subject)
            (same @M1 @Msgs to)
            (same @M2 @Msgs from))) 
      @Msgs ))

This example is however using the +Aux relation. The @M list will look for for example the {5} {:} combo above in the (to +Message @M) clause. Next we filter as usual.

After benchmarking the above examples I got a 3% speed increase in favor of the second one using 6000 messages to test on, when using 11000 the difference increased to 11% so careful planning will pay off more and more the bigger the database becomes.

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