Posts Tagged ‘xampp’

WAMP and XAMPP problems and solutions in Vista

Wednesday, March 11th, 2009

Damn this is strange, Apache suddenly just died on me after Vista installed some updates, the gauge in both wamp and xampp shows it as running but accessing localhost results in a no no. No matter how I tried to make things work, deactivating the firewall, UAC and a slew of other actions I was about to give up when I tried without expecting it to work at all, but it did.... Read More

Merb and Datamapper on Ubuntu with XAMPP

Monday, January 14th, 2008

The process of setting up Merb and Datamapper can easily derail, these are my experiences of setting them up on Ubuntu with XAMPP.... Read More

XAMPP on Suse

Monday, October 15th, 2007

What do you do if you have a lazy no good linux admin that won’t do as he is told and you want him to enable pdo, mod_rewrite and more? Well Linux nerds are a stubborn bunch so don’t bother threatening, pleading or bribing, if the admin in question doesn’t feel like doing as he is told he won’t. That the useless nerd is actually getting paid to do stuff like this is apparently completely irrelevant.... Read More