Posts Tagged ‘postgresql’

Registration form with Merb and Datamapper

Tuesday, February 19th, 2008

This tutorial is an example of a typical registration form with Datamapper and Merb, we have:
– Unique username and email.
– Password confirm check.
– Terms and conditions agreement.
– And some more custom stuff implemented such as birthdate from year, month and day dropdowns.... Read More

PostgreSQL on Ubuntu with phpPgAdmin

Thursday, January 24th, 2008

Setting up default installations of Apache, PHP and PostgreSQL is really easy, I’m using a Gutsy setup and writing this in a terminal:... Read More

SMS gateway how to

Monday, October 15th, 2007

So you’ve gotten the unsavory task of rewriting the SMS Gateway because the old one is coded in the C equivalent of level 1 code? You have extremely few specs and the old code makes you run for aspirin? What the hell do you do? Here is the walk through:... Read More