Crazy SUSE mod_rewrite problem
What a nightmare it was yesterday and for the better part of today. The new project just failed to run with mod_rewrite on the staging server and we couldn’t understand why.
When running phpinfo() everything showed up like it should, with mod_rewrite on properly and everything. No one could figure out what the hell was happening, and of course our admin just sat there laughing his ass off, refusing to help.
So I tweaked .htaccess files the whole day, bashing my head against something that didn’t turn out to be the problem.
I’ve just been told that the problem was that the http.conf is being overridden during startup by another setting in a file I think is called default-server.conf somewhere. It was of course solved by a programmer whose own project now probably is lagging because of the admin’s uselessness.
So PHP checks the http.conf file and happily reports that everything is OK when it really isn’t, bummer. Setting mod_rewrite to ON in the defaultimathingie solved everything.
But why hasn’t the admin been fired a long time ago you might rightly ask? He has somehow managed to make one of our two partners believe that he is God’s gift to the admin profession, go figure, it doesn’t matter what we say to the contrary. It’s a mess, more on that as it develops.
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Tags: apache, Linux, mod_rewrite, suse