Posts Tagged ‘replication’

One Master, Two Slaves – Daisy Chaining MySQL

Sunday, October 6th, 2013

The crucial detail is log_slave_updates = 1 on the first slave to be able to pass on the replication updates to the next machine in the chain.... Read More

MySQL 5.5 Replication Bash Script

Saturday, July 13th, 2013

So the old way (worked in 5.1) of automating the replication setup doesn’t work anymore, luckily the below works just as well.... Read More

MySQL Slave Replication in 6 Quick Steps

Monday, March 11th, 2013

Update: Apparently the master connection info gets cached in /var/lib/mysql/ so whenever you change the settings in my.cnf you need to remove it before you restart mysql.... Read More

MySQL replication in PHP – on the same machine

Wednesday, September 14th, 2011

I just realized I needed to replicate some data from one database to another, but only certain tables.... Read More