Posts Tagged ‘multi language’

MODx multiple language site with template chunks

Wednesday, March 4th, 2009

After using the stuff in the prior tutorial on the site I’m working on at the moment I quickly realized that I needed to be able to use chunks as templates, just like Ditto, to handle repetitive stuff. It doesn’t make sense having duplicate HTML all over the place.... Read More

MODx multiple language site

Monday, February 23rd, 2009

Although it’s fairly easy to create a multi-lingual site with chunks and template variables alone it’s hardly ideal, to say the least. For most pages there will be a lot of unused template variables, the manager area will start to look like a mess. ... Read More

Multi language blog in MODx

Thursday, October 2nd, 2008

This tutorial will demonstrate how a multilingual blog in MODx can be created. It is a combination of the prior tutorial and the multi lingual site tutorial at the MODx wiki. Both are required reading if you want to understand what is happening here.... Read More

jQuery datePicker

Tuesday, September 2nd, 2008

This is a quick note, not really a tutorial since this stuff is really trivial to setup. I use the jQuery datePicker plugin by Kelvin Luck.... Read More