Eclipse PDT shortcuts

First of all Shift + Ctrl + L will show all commands.

These are my favorites except for the obvious ones I don’t have to mention like Ctrl+Shift+Right/Left to select whole word and stuff like that. Pretty common functionality in all editors.

Shift + Alt + O to toggle show occurrences.

Alt + Right/Left to to forwards/backwards in history.

Ctrl + Shift + Numpad_divide to collapse all functions in document.

Ctrl + Numpad_multiply to expand all functions in document.

Alt + Up/Down to move row up/down.

Ctrl + Alt + Up/Down to copy row up/down.

Ctrl + L go to line.

Ctrl + Delete to delete next word.

Ctrl + Backspace to delete previous word.

Shift + Ctrl + Delete to delete to the end of the line.

Ctrl + K to jump to next occurrence in document of word the cursor is on when pressed.

Shift + Ctrl + M/T/R
to open selection window to jump to Method, Type (class) or Resource (file).

Shift + Ctrl + Enter to insert new line above current line.

Shift + Enter to insert new line below current line.

Ctrl + Q to jump to last edit location.

Shift + Ctrl + > to jump to matching tag.

Ctrl + M to toggle maximize current editor.

Ctrl + Page Down/Page Up to go back and forth among the tabs.

Ctrl (+ Shift) + F6 to go back and forth among tabs across split screens (I have remapped this one to TAB instead of F6).

Shift + Ctrl + P to go to matching bracket.

Shift + F2 to jump to php manual documentation.

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